05 February 2011

Why I'd Rather Deal With the Mafia

Not to minimize the problems anywhere else in America, but Clark County, Nevada law enforcement is a particularly interesting study.  Vegas only exists thanks to the Mob, irrigation and air conditioning, and I doubt the last two would have mattered one bit without the Mob!

Las Vegas METRO PD itself has a sordid history as mob enforcers, and signs of that culture permeate the department to this day.  I'm not up on who owns what out there these days, but I know that Clark County government still obsequiously asks "how high" anytime a casino owner says "jump"...

But, I don't think the Mob, to whatever extent they're still involved out there, is the problem.  The government is the problem, and, as is frequently true these days, the government is much worse to deal with than the Mob ever was.  It's my considered opinion that  both tourists and residents in Las Vegas be far happier and safer if the Mob was put completely in charge of Clark County.  Here are some reasons why:

1)  Whatever remains of the Mob in Vegas has evolved into a well-run business with conspicuous expertise in treating people well.  No form of government has ever achieved the same.

2) The Mob does no affirmative action hiring.

3)  After you pay them for protection, the Mob actually protects you.

4)  After you pay the Mob, they also have the good sense to leave to you alone.

5)  The Mob is unlikely kill you unless you actually deserve it.

6)  Italian cuisine!

Everyone is welcome to add to the list...

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